Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to Get a Six Pack Diet | How to Get a Six Pack in 3 Minutes

How to Get a Six Pack in 3 Minutes-How To get a Six Pack Diet

As you may or may not know, learning how to get a ripped six pack is only half about building muscle. The other half of learning how to get a six pack in 3 minutes a night is your diet. You can't get a ripped six pack if your abdominal muscles are being covered by fat. I'm going to discuss some of the key elements required in a diet that successfully builds muscle AND loses stomach fat at the same time.

Avoid the Bad Stuff

You know what I'm talking about. I shouldn't even have to tell you that if you want to know how to get a six pack in 3 minutes a night, you shouldn't be eating any crap that's going to cause fat to cover up your muscles. That means cut down or eliminate processed sugars or carbohydrates, (Little Debbie..damn you) no fatty meats (bacon) or anything that you look at and know "this isn't very good for me". (Ice cream, potato chips, SODA) Basically just avoid anything high in fat and sugar, as these provide calories for your body that just sit, and quickly get turned into fat. If you want to know more, check out Eating Healthy Foods which is a great resource for more information about foods that are good and bad for you.


While you ARE trying to cut out fatty meats, you need to increase your protein intake. Why? Because the basis of how to get a six pack in 3 minutes is that your body is going to be using more protein to build repairs in the ripped muscle fibers you just worked out on. For more information about this, you can read my article How to Get a Six Pack in 3 Minutes. Foods that can help you increase your protein intake include lean meats, seeds, and nuts (Avoid peanuts, however, as they are very high in fat).


Many people do not have enough fiber in their diets. Fiber is especially important to a diet because it makes you feel full without consuming fats or carbohydrates. Fiber also slows down digestion when you eat it with sweets or sugary foods, making you feel full more quickly. If you increase the fiber content of your diet, you'll find yourself having an easier time of dropping that stubborn stomach fat covering up your ab muscles. Food rich in fiber include apples with the skin, pears, raspberries, (most fruits really) whole grains, whole wheat anything, split peas, beans, lentils and almost any vegetable.


Water is important for losing stomach fat because drinking water can replace those hunger cravings you may feel at the end of meals. Your body probably isn't still hungry; it may be thirsty and you can stop yourself from eating more by drinking water. Water also has a number of other health benefits. Foods high in water include...water ;) You can also drink unsweetened tea.

Larger Breakfast and Lunch, Smaller Dinner

Unless you are very active after dinner, it's likely that you aren't getting any chances to burn calories after you eat dinner. You can counteract this by eating a smaller dinner, after a larger lunch. Then, when you wake up in the morning, you will be hungry for a big breakfast, which will provide you with energy for the rest of the day, as you go about your normal active life and have chances to burn the calories you consumed. When you eat a big dinner, chances are you are going to bed soon after, and those calories are going to turn into fat in your body.

These are my suggestions for the How to Get a Six Pack Diet. If you combine a good diet with strong exercise routines, like my Bicycle Ab Workout just check out some of my posts in the navbar to the left. Good luck!

You may also want to look into other alternative health options, like the acai berry

1 comment:

  1. Foods that can help you increase your protein intake include lean meats, seeds, and nuts (Avoid peanuts, however, as they are very high in fat).
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